For poet Steven Nightingale, the sonnet is not just a poetic form, it is the form of our dreams.
Steven Nightingale's sonnets are spiritually haunted, observing ordinary life through a lens of cosmic perspective. The poems are bathed in romance and shaped by the introspective love of woman and child. Visionary and independent, the work itself grows out of deep love and affinity for the sonnet form, its bones of rhyme and meter. --Joyce Jenkins, Poetry Flash
Steven Nightingale is faithful to his name, being the invisible singer of sonnets disguised in form but overheard as a master should be. He addresses the world. Steven is a throwback to art with the morning air of reality. --Willis Barnstone, Author of The Gnostic Bible, Six Masters of the Spanish Sonnet, 501 Sonnets
Steven Nightingale's sonnets are finely wrought and full of light. Formally elegant, they are a testimony to a life richly lived. Many are poems of marriage and familial love, transformative, healing, good. --Mary O'Malley, The Perfect V, Poems